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Yes, way to exp, they should cost about half. Well, the games are too good not to have handheld. Strange big file sizes as well, hope it means very short loading times. Whelpp what a surprise That blows. I have remake and 4 on the gamecube still. Since 0 is the only one i don't have in my physical possession ill only get That for now.
F-ning Capcom. I guess they think portability is worth that much and that we are dumb too. I'll just stick with my Wii versions thank you, they should be near half that price.. RE4 day 1 of price drop! This is just absurd, especially considering that there is essentially no reason for this. Generally the Switch tax comes from the increased expense of using cartridges, but these games are digital only. There is no excuse for this scummy absurdity in pricing for decade-old games.
Shame on you, Capcom! What are the file sizes for each? I don't think i saw it in the article Not into the horror genre so I would of passed either way.
The best option is just to wait for when Capcom have it on sale. You better get in here people be goin' off 'bout that there "Switch tax" again. It's even in the subtitle, which I thought was funny as I was pretty sure the overall belief of NL was that there was no such thing as a Switch tax, it was just a myth. But I could very well be wrong about that last part.
While it isn't great that we have to pay more for switch games from what I understand is it all comes down to the cost of the cart and Nintendo forcing companies to charge the same for Digital games as they do for physical games.
I went straight digital with the switch because of its portable nature I didn't want to have to fiddle around with game cards. Like any good tablet I wanna whip it out and go. Personally I wouldnt be surprised if more and more people went digital only over the next few years, PC has been this way for a very long time now.
Companies like gamestop are floundering because more and more customers are going this route, just look at their 1 year stock performance chart, scary stuff. No problem. We all know Capcom games always go on sale. Unscrupulous bananas They can sod off with that crap, crapcom don't deserve my money for ancient games Its official.
Capcom doesn't want my money. Haha, thanks but no thanks. Not stepping into this one. But if there's anything I could or would want to say about it, then I'd say it's more like a "Capcom-for-Switch" tax, seeing as it doesn't even concern cartridges, except for one out of three games, so what Capcom's reason is for making digital downloads more expensive, while they'll probably look quite a bit better on the other platforms, is anyone's guess.
Maybe they are actually looking for a way out, concerning their support for the platform, and this will be a sure fire way of not selling a lot of copies of these three games on the Switch Yeah, they'll go on sale. It probably won't take long either. By the sound of it, it doesn't seem like people are lining up for these now.
I don't blame them. I'll just wait for the discount. Them guys in black robes? That's us Switch owners! Leon with the RPG? That's Capcom Thank you, Capcom Oh no, games that have never been released on the Switch are more expensive then games that have been released on other platforms before.
Oh no, it's almost like the Switch isn't the same platform. Oh noooooo! When RE8 or RE9 come out - I have no idea what they are up to - they'll have a ready made excuse for not porting it to Switch.
I was hoping RE4 would get ported to the Switch and was happy to learn that it was. I'll wait for a sale.
Not happening, the little interest I had is done. Well, whadaya know? Opposite sides can actually agree Personally, I always wonder about the motivation behind business practices such as these, in the videogame industry. It makes little actual sense, far as we know, so even the most positive-minded person would be hard-pressed to not expect some ulterior motive.
Guess we'll find out in a year or so, when Capcom support is either still a thing, or has whittled down to something not even worth mentioning They've done price parity for every single game to date. So I'm actually kind of surprised. You know if Capcom bailed there would be some superficial whining, but in the end I don't think most people would notice given what they have put out and in the manner they did it. Buyers would be better off without their crap stunts, same with what EA and 2K have done putting out bloated beta level broken games for sale.
This, unfortunately is going to be an increasing trend in digital game pricing. The publisher puts up a high price to begin with, which catches the desperate whales who can't wait.
Then they reduce the price to the proper amount after a while to bring in everyone else, tricking them into thinking they're getting a good deal. Eventually they will go to the real sale price to convince the stragglers after a year or two. For them it's a no brainer with a re-release of an old game. It's not a new game that needs to ride a hype wave and costs them nothing to sit on it for a bit longer, squeezing as much money as possible from their cash cow games. It's the same tactic as black Friday which is really just tricking people to fight over stuff that's priced at the normal price it would be if we just chilled out and made them competitively price stuff to satisfy us, not the other way around.
You have to remember that they can only take the price down over time, so it's better for them to start high then slowly lower the price, catching sales on the way down. Let's see how well they'll sell. As much as I would like to play REmake again handheld, I'll pass until they drop to a price range.
I own the original gamecube versions and I can always play them if I want to. They hold up quite well against the new HD remasters. Nintendo announces a Game Boy remake of a Zelda game. You all cry about digital only games and yet are excited about a 1TB micro SD card coming out soon. Was going to get RE4 but at that price they can kiss my bottom My thoughts exactly. Zero and RE should be a bundle for 30 and 4 should be I don't get the reasons behind the actual prices, especially since they aren't all on cartridges.
Take care. That's considered expensive? You guys are a bunch of poor poor people. Get to work! FYI the physical cartridge only has Zero on it. Like I said maybe they added motion controls or nothing at all. But also like I said, everyone is all geeked out about a Zelda remake and want it at no matter the cost. Not sure why there are so many people criticising Capcom. At the end of the day, Nintendo is to blame. They set the prices of the cartridges and require price parity between digital and physical games.
Why should a publisher like Capcom be expected to cut their profits because of this? Nintendo need to get their act together and price the cartridges more sensibly if they want more third parties to publish games on the Switch.
Well, since I've played Nintendo systems for quite a while now, I guess I'll replay them on GC or Wii instead of getting the Switch version, which I actually looked forward to. But Capcom wants my money so bad they ain't gonna get any. These are masterpieces, true, but they've been so since the GC! The price them artificially high so they can discount them in 6 months time.
So far I've seen nothing from Capcom stating only zero is in the cart. If it is it's another pass. It defeats the whole point of a physical release if you pay full price for only half of something. Even IF they added motion controls to bring us an HD version of RE4 on par with the Wii version, that's a giant nope for me at that price. There needs to be a boycott on this kind of thing.
Even if the publishers can decide their pricing, there should be an imposed limit on cost that Nintendo should be setting. What ever happened to Platinum pricing? If it was a remake, built from the ground up, it'd be different. Simple, no way I'll buy it at the release if ever as I prefer physical copies.
No money from me Capcom! Then I'll take my money elsewhere. Your loss Capcom. It is a pretty high price point, and I won't be digging in until a price drop. That being said, all three of those games are classics so I almost want to say that it is worth the price. The switch tax does indeed hurt though.
In the early switch days people used to justify these prices saying "but I can play portable" while calling those of us who complained about these prices because we had other systems as "haters". Well I'm glad some of you have stopped drinking the Kool aid.
I love nintendo but things like these prices, no voice chat are indefensible. Its not happening at those prices. At all. Sorry, but I don't see how Nintendo is to blame here. This is a Capcom problem. Plenty of other publishers have given us digital reissues at reasonable prices. If capcom keeps on pulling an EA on us, I will avoid their games alltogether until they stop with this crap!
If other companies like Square Enix can pull off a reasonable prices out of it so can they! Was planning on getting Zero and RE, now I will get zero, as in none. A shame, as I really like my Switch as a library of retro classics. For digital copies? Everything's alright. Looking forward to playing these games again once released! Not enough cash, stranger. Please mind your language!
Anyone following games should realize that these will all be offered at a steep discount fairly quickly. If you need these 15 year old games on day one, feel free to pay the Switch Tax. Otherwise, just wait for them to drop to 15 bucks.
Did I read this correctly that REmake and 0 will come physical?. It'd be nice to GameFly them, especially at that price Was extremely disappointed about this when I saw it. Sad the gca is gone. My sub ends in Nov and cannot be renewed. I will be getting the physical and then get the others on sale which will be not to long considering I don't see it selling all that fast.
Remind you they originally came out at that price for other systems as well for the same price and have dropped. However this is too big a difference. There are limits. Capcom got great discounts.
Great things coming to those that wait. Just need to be a little patient Well Campcom puts their games on sale regularly, I'm sure these will be more reasonably priced by october. Already have all three on Ps4, not buying them again. Seriously Capcom, what the hell? You dumb ungrateful kids need to Stop complaining Alright,just be thankful Capcom was nice enough to being these three RE classic games to the switch rather instead of making dumb assumptions,I know the price is high but still if you work,have the money you can give urself that luxury to spend and buy'emh just like the other games on switch you have bought seriously,u people want it all.
So we european customers get again no physical version. I should thank them for reminding me why I boycott them, before buying the RE2 remake. You have no right to call people kids when you're acting like a snot nosed brat you pissant. This is a robbery. The price in and of itself isn't the issue here. The problem is that Capcom has refused to issue physical copies of these games. Capcom can get stuffed. Probably wait for them to be on sale on the EShop. From that point on, Capcom realized they had a market for overpriced old ports.
Personally, I'm tired of publishers hanging this sword of Damocles over Nintendo fans with their "buy our overpriced old ports or we won't make any more games on your system, which would have been more overpriced old ports anyway".
I'd rather a publisher stop supporting the system than to be treated that way. Forget that! Best thing we can do as consumers is refuse to buy, regardless of how much we want them. The problem here is There's no new features, no gyro controls that I've heard of, nothing. Just an added switch tax. And sadly I was prepared to buy all 3 day 1, now just going to wait for the inevitable capcom sale a month or 2 later. I won't buy it at a high price. Hehehehe, no thank you.
Hard pass for me. Remember way way back when and everybody was making fun of horse armor, but it's still a thing. A bigger thing than ever. Here's our favorite blonde YTer to explain it all. Besides the Onimusha game was paid with the gold coins and not my actual money. It's a really unique and epic game, I love it just wish there's a physical copy of it for Switch. I got to play little of it on my original Xbox in their version called Genma Onimusha.
Was going to get the PS2 version instead but thought the Xbox one looks better. Fortunately when I went to college, my brother sold away our original Xbox for the Xbox and traded many games to get Blue Dragon so Genma Onimusha got sold away along with it which I'm still mad but oh well at leasy we got this HD remastered version here now. Enjoy your overpriced last gen and older gen ports friends. I pre ordered dragon dogma because it's cheap for the content it has and the game is physical but i might consider canceling it since they made me salty about the RE games on switch.
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